Small Business Digital Adaptation Program Grants Still on Offer
On the 15th of November, the Victorian Government initiated the Small Business Digital Adaptation Program. The scheme offers grants to small businesses to assist them in trialling new digital products and tools and is still currently open. With a registration deadline of 28 February 2021, there ...
Industrial Relations Reform Leaves a Mark on Casuals
Recently proposed reforms to Australia’s industrial relations framework have incited controversy both within Parliament and across a variety of professional sectors. The omnibus bill has been slammed by the country’s peak union body, which has outspokenly criticised the legislation for reducing ...
A Guide to Insurance for Landlords
As a Landlord, your rental premises represent not only one of your most important and valuable assets, but a crucial source of income. Like most valuable assets, rental properties need to be protected properly with a well written insurance policy. Consider the following a guide to help you ...
Why You Can’t Ignore Business Insurance Risk
The old adage nothing worth having comes easy rings very true when it comes to business. Being a business owner is one of the more difficult but rewarding endeavours you can pursue. Responsibilities, duties, challenges and other types of business risk leave plenty to think about both during and ...
A Guide to Business and Commercial Loans
Whether you’re already running a business or preparing to start one, there’s no shortage of matters that require your attention. Financing your business’s growth is one issue that few find easy – especially when thinking of the lasting consequences of that decision. Many also find it ...
SaaS Applications Businesses Need in 2020 and Beyond
The cogs of the business technology revolution have been in motion for some time now. Each passing year sees businesses rely more heavily on digital technologies. The adoption rate of Software as a Service (SaaS) applications has steadily increased recently, but the events of 2020 have ...
Your Duty of Disclosure (And Why It Matters)
The application process is your chance to get certainty from your insurance. That’s because the information you provide in your application will help dictate what you’re covered for, and how much it will cost. Carry out your duty of disclosure correctly, and you can be confident your cover will ...
ATO Returning to Regular Compliance Activities
Business owners should be aware that the Australian Tax Office recently announced a return to regular compliance activities. The ATO’s focus had shifted from compliance work to stimulus payment processing throughout the COVID-19 economic downturn. Few businesses have been left unscathed by the ...
Significant Expansion of the Instant Asset Write Off
The Government will support businesses with an aggregated annual turnover of less than $5 billion by enabling them to deduct the full cost of eligible capital assets acquired from 7:30pm AEDT on 6 October 2020 (Budget night) and first used or installed by 30 June 2022. Full expensing in the ...
What You Need to Know about Investment Loans
Investments provide a critical source of income and financial security for so many of us. Before you can begin investing, you need to finance your plans. This is easier said than done though, and plenty of people can’t afford to do so upfront. Many who are in this situation look to use ...