Lockwood Partners is proud to be a platinum partner of Xero

Switching to Online Accounting Technology – The Benefits of Xero

Lockwood Partners have recently been recognised as a Platinum Partner with the cloud accounting platform Xero. If you don’t already know, Xero is accounting software technology designed to save you time on your bookkeeping so you can spend time on what really matters – your business.

We have experienced the value that Xero has brought to our clients – real time access to your software allow us to work proactively with you.

Our recommendation of Xero is based on the following advantages:


Real time access to an overview of your finances – as your accountants and with your authorisation, we can access this too, allowing us to give you timely advice.

Data is backed up into the cloud – this reduces demand for physical space and paper resources usually dedicated to hard copy documents and backups, as well as the demand for environmental resources used in the manufacture of paper, printers, toners, etc.

Automatic updates continually improve Xero to increase the functionality.

Capability to connect to your bank so transactions are automatically updated in the platform.

Centralisation of financial information makes it easier to record, claim and manage your expenses and receipts online.

Track your expenses and invoices from anywhere.

Optimise time and finance management with project and task delegation.

Speeding up bookkeeping for small businesses

The elimination of data wait times has been a huge step in speeding up many bookkeeping functions. Live updates and reports are easily generated, including cash in, cash out and masses of other data you might need.

Accessibility and collaboration within your business

Information becomes accessible and shareable from wherever you are.  Even if you have remote offices or a remote workforce, everyone can work together in real time.


Many of our clients have already made the switch, if you would like to discuss how your business can benefit from Xero, reach out to our team at Lockwood Partners.


