Business & Commercial Loans
Before you decide on finance products and options, our finance consultants can work with you to determine exactly why you need finance and what type of finance is ideal for your business needs. This helps you to create clear objectives and paint a clear picture to lenders about why finance for your business makes sense.
At Provide Finance, we can help you acquire finance for:
- Expanding your business – this can include a new property purchase or a revamp, it can be for new equipment or staff, maybe a marketing campaign to drive more sales, or diversifying your offering.
- Putting stock on the floor – If you’re about to have a busy period, you need to ensure you have enough inventory, so you’ll need to buy it before you can sell it and generate the income.
- Keeping up cash flow – It’s more than simply a cash injection, you might need finance for equipment or inventory to preserve the funds you already have in the bank. You can even acquire finance based on the invoices you’ve already sent to clients.
- Updating equipment – Equipment or vehicle loans can help preserve cash flow while also help to generate new income with a new asset. There are also possible tax benefits, and lenders often consider the asset as the collateral, so you may not need to secure it against any personal property.
- Refinancing – Your business and its needs change, and so do the finance products the lenders are offering. It can never hurt to consider finding a more suitable loan, or a better deal as this can reduce your repayments significantly.
Contact Provide Finance to secure the right financing for your business today.